Frequently asked questions

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Why should I choose a ROVA for my farm?
If you are looking for simplicity, absolute control and a more natural way of raising your poultry or other grazing livestock, the ROVA series is for you. This all-in-one machine will be able to brood your chicks, walk your chickens, collect your eggs and much more!
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Are there different sizes of the ROVA|BARN?
Since one size does not fit all, we offer three different sizes of ROVA|BARN, plus optional feed and brooder additions. Sizes include 200, 400 and 700 sq. ft capacity models of the ROVA|BARN.
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How can I buy a ROVA|BARN?
Browse our Products page and leave a deposit on the ROVA of your choice. Not sure which one is right for you? Book a demo or send us an email!
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How is the ROVA|BARN shipped?
With its modular design, our ROVA|BARNs can be shipped directly by freight to you from our distribution centres.
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If I order today, when would I receive my ROVA|BARN?
We handcraft each ROVA|BARN with care and assemble the component parts on sight at our test farm in Manitoba, Canada. Current lead times are approximately 4 to 6 months. The shipping time will depend on your location.
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Will I require specific training to operate my ROVA|BARN?
The ROVA|BARN is specifically designed for farmers, just like us! Simply follow a tutorial on our mobile app and our certified staff will take you through a training session. Customize the setup and raise some of the happiest chickens around!
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Where are ROVA|BARNs designed and manufactured?
The ROVA|BARN, accessories and our other smart farm equipment are all engineered, tested and built close to the UKKÖ family farm in Manitoba, Canada.
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How is the ROVA|BARN controlled?
The ROVA|BARN is moved and controlled using our wireless pendant. Parameters are configured using our mobile app.
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How can a ROVA|BARN protect my livestock from predators?
When engineering the ROVA|BARN, predators were our main concern. We developed a patent-pending flexible skirt that ensures optimal protection against the chickens’ numerous predators. The skirt is also equipped with electrified fabric wires to further protect your livestock.
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Does Ukkö Robotics have access to the cameras on my ROVA|BARN?
UKKÖ Robotics will not have access to your cameras unless given permission.
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Who can fix a ROVA|BARN?
Most repairs can be done by yourself since we embrace a modular build. With our mobile app’s help, you can determine the replacement part needed, order the correct part, and follow a tutorial on our app to replace it. Need a hand? We’re here to help.
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What types of animals can I raise in the ROVA|BARN?
The ROVA|BARN is suitable for poultry (broilers, layers and large birds) as well as pigs (growing pigs and sows) and sheep. We offer a brooding attachment for broilers and an automatic nesting box attachment for layers. Both can be installed and removed depending on which animal you want to raise.
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Can I use the ROVA|BARN in winter?
Yes! If you want to raise your animals (layers, pigs or sheep) during winter, we offer a winterization package to heat the water tanks and the water lines.

Note: The ROVA|BARN should be plugged to a power source due to the amount of energy that takes to heat.
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Do I need to be a chicken farmer to use a ROVA|BARN?
No, we have built the ROVA|BARN so anyone can raise their own animals. Our mobile app is designed to give detailed instructions on using the ROVA|BARN and raise poultry. The live camera feed can be shared with a local veterinarian to assist you in the event of an emergency.
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How much time does it take to assemble a ROVA|BARN?
We believe in simplicity; it should take no more than half a day for two people to assemble a ROVA|BARN depending on the model and the accessories. Once assembled, follow the mobile app’s steps to get the ROVA|BARN ready for your animals.

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